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VRgineers at Web Summit 2019 Lisabon: Why Should We Meet?

Published: October 31, 2019

Topics: Enterprise VR, Invitations

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Web Summit, here we come, ready to meet fellow people and companies redefining the global tech industry. Here is why we think you should meet us there.

VRgineers Help Redefine What’s Possible in Virtual Reality

Among everyone from architects to fighter pilots, there’s a growing demand for VR in professional environments. For VR to succeed in workplaces, it needs to render images in crystal-clear, true-to-life detail. It also needs to be immediately accessible to a new user and have the capability to render highly technical scenarios.  By creating XTAL, a VR headset with 5K resolution and 180° field of view, a hand-tracking sensor, and a voice recognition app, we have achieved our goal of making VR enterprise-ready

What We Do Has True Impact on Science & Industry

Yes, we truly believe that virtual reality is not just for gamers anymore. There’s a rapidly growing market for VR in the workplace. Many kinds of industries can benefit from VR: architects can see what their models would look like if constructed, car manufacturers can prototype new designs, and everyone from pilots to surgeons can perform risk- and consequence-free simulations of their work. That is why we love our job! 

XTAL: Not Just Your Ordinary VR Headset

XTAL offers a headset with a lifelike 5k picture, backed by high-density OLED microdisplays and advanced optics that create a peripheral vision-filling 170-degree field-of-view for total immersion into the VR world. Benefiting the brilliant visual capabilities are advanced algorithms that empower XTAL to deliver market-leading detail that allows users to see VR content with unprecedented detail. Plus, every XTAL comes equipped with AutoEye™ – the world’s first automatic interpupillary distance adjustment, which enables the device to tailor the visual display between different users.

But there’s more to a VR experience than just the visuals. XTAL puts VR capabilities literally at your fingertips: the embedded Leap Motion hand-tracking sensor allows you to use your bare hands when interacting with the virtual environment. If your hands aren’t enough, the headset’s microphone and voice recognition app gives you the capability to modify the virtual interface via speech commands. 

Our Engineers Love Challenges & Work to Achieve Perfection

The development of our product is a demanding and strenuous task but we love a challenge and work relentlessly to achieve our goals! From a small, Prague-based startup, we have already managed to stir international waters & we are currently helping clients all around the world: we work with companies like Audi, BMW, Skoda, Airbus, McLaren, Universal Studios NBC etc.

Would you like to meet us at Web Summit? Just contact us and let us know what interests you! We are happy to show you our demo and discuss how virtual reality can be applied in your case!