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VRgineers at Web Summit 2019: Where the Future Goes to Be Born

Published: November 14, 2019

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On November 47th, VRgineers took part in Web Summit Lisbon, one of the most impactful tech events on the planet.

Web Summit was visited by 70,469 attendees, with 163 countries being represented at the event. Our startup was one of the few companies representing Czech Republic at this event. Our presence was made possible by our partner, Vitadio.

The main goal of Web Summit is to bring together people and companies redefining the global tech industry. Redefining the way companies work, design, prototype or train their employees is part of VRgineers mission from the very beginning. We have created our XTAL VR headset specifically for industrial and professional use.

“Virtual reality is not just for gamers anymore. Thanks to new features like impeccable resolution or hand tracking, architects can now truly explore what their models would look like before they are built, car manufacturers can prototype new designs in precise detail, surgeons can perform risk-free simulations. VR has great potential for many industries and we help companies discover that potential,” says Kristian Gambiraza, Global Sales Director at VRgineers.

To bring XTAL to an event where “the future goes to be born” was an incredibly valuable experience for us. Our team spent three days explaining, discussing, networking, and collecting valuable feedback at what the New York Times called “a grand conclave of the tech industry’s high priests.”

“This year’s event was focused on Big Data and software platforms. Our hardware, along with companies like Boston Dynamics, was a welcome addition: a very practical experience at an event where the discussion was mostly abstract. Of course we were not the only hardware company at Web Summit, but we felt that the visitors had a great time trying XTAL. Our demos were very popular, attendees were surprised by the true-to-life image and the level of detail they saw for the first time,“ explains Account Manager Eva Jášková.

Are you interested in our demo? Send us an e-mail to hello@vrgineers.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible!