Published: March 13, 2024

In partnership with NextLevel XR, SimFab, Jetline Systems, MSI Computers, Thrustmaster, Virpil, Virtual Fly, X-Plane, Pimax, Vrgineers, V Pilot Designs, and more, this free demo center will be available to SUN ‘n FUN attendees at April’s aerospace expo.
LAKELAND – March 13, 2024 – Flight Simulation Association (FSA) and several partners from across the flight simulation community welcome pilots, students, kids, retirees, and aviation enthusiasts to visit the Flight Simulation Experience Center, presented with NextLevel XR. The Center will be in the FUTURE ‘n FLIGHT plaza at SUN ‘n FUN, Lakeland, Florida, April 9-14.
„We are thrilled to be attending SUN ‘n FUN to demonstrate what computer-based flight simulation can do for aviation,” says Evan Reiter, airline pilot and co-founder of FSA. “Having used this technology throughout my own pilot training, I look forward to sharing how low-cost, home flight simulation is changing aviation training, pilot recruitment, and STEM education.“
At the Flight Simulation Experience Center, SUN ‘n FUN attendees can try a wide variety of home flight simulation setups, from simple, monitor-based cockpits to those powered by virtual reality headsets. Each demo station will offer a unique scenario for attendees to try, including VFR procedures, challenging instrument approaches, carrier launches, and much more.
Pilots and students will gain new understanding of how this technology can accelerate flight training, while experienced pilots will see first-hand how flight simulation offers unique ways to master glass cockpit avionics, EFBs, and more. Additionally, enthusiasts can explore flight simulation as a new way to explore their passion for aviation.
„Looking to leverage home flight simulation for personal or professional applications? Maybe you’ve heard about how flight simulation can help you stay proficient, add hours to your logbook or allow you to fly advanced fighters?” said Rick Parker, founder of NextLevel XR and one of the organizers of this unique SUN ‘n FUN display. “Visit us at the show for free, hands-on demos of how flight simulation from the comfort of home can be used for training, proficiency, and fun.“
The Flight Sim Experience Center is presented by Flight Simulation Association, organizers of the annual FlightSimExpo flight simulation convention. The Center will also include home flight simulation exhibitors Dogfight Dynamics, Propwash Simulation, and Yaw VR.
About Flight Simulation Association (FSA). FSA is a free-to-join community of ‘flight simmers’, pilots, and industry developers that works to keep the passion for flight simulation growing. Whether for training, proficiency, currency, or just fun, FSA works to expand the role flight simulation has in real world aviation and training. Amongst other initiatives, FSA organizes FlightSimExpo, one of the world’s largest dedicated flight simulation conventions. The next event is scheduled for June 21-23, 2024 in Las Vegas. More information available at and