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VRgineers’ enterprise VR solution for automotive at GTC Europe

Published: March 25, 2018

Topics: Automotive, Enterprise VR

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VRHero 5K, the high-resolution enterprise-grade VR headset brings virtual reality to the hands of professionals like designers and engineers. The emerging enterprise VR solutions in the automotive sector point to where the future of enterprise VR goes – cutting costs, speeding up decisions and creating and collaborating in VR.

VRgineers was invited as one of the partners of the VR Village at the recent NVIDIA GTC Europe 2017. We presented an enterprise-grade VR showcase integrating the professional grade VRHero 5K headset with technology from technology partners NVIDIAAdvanced Realtime Tracking (ART), Leap Motion and ESI Group.

Check out how NVIDIA and analysts see the VRHero 5K in the short video from the GTC:

VRHero 5K is being used in the design and evaluation processes across the automotive industry in companies like Audi, BMW, Volkswagen, and Skoda.

The presented VR enterprise VR solution for automotive combined ESI’s IC.IDO professional visualization software directly with the high-resolution VRHero 5K headset. Tracked by the industrial-grade ART tracking system and Leap Motion hand-tracking, the showcase demonstrated how automotive designers and engineers can already today leverage virtual reality to enhance their productivity.

Want to use VR in your work? Let us know at hello@vrgineers.com.